Closed consultations
Details of consultations which we have run but which are now closed are given below.
Feedback on the responses received and notes of how we then acted on that information will also be provided here as the data becomes available.
- Housing Support Programme Strategy
Bridgend County Borough Council Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022-2026 (DOCx.172kb)
Bridgend County Borough Council Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022-26 Action Plan (DOCx.246kb) - ‘My Account’ feedback survey
- Corporate Self-Assessment 2022- 23 Consultation
- Think Family - Improving Outcomes for Children and Families in Bridgend
- Public Spaces Protection Orders Consultation
- 20mph Speed Limit Consultation
- Licensing policy consultation
- Coety Primary School Consultation
- Draft Well-being Plan Consultation
- Open space consultation for Porthcawl Waterfront
- Porthcawl Welsh-medium seedling school consultation
- Active Travel Scheme: Bridgend to Porthcawl
- Net Zero Carbon Strategy Consultation
- Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge
- Mynydd Cynffig Primary School Consultation
- Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Ogwr Consultation
- PSB Wellbeing Assessment consultation
- Public Spaces Protection Orders Consultation
- Heronsbridge School Consultation
- Proposal to establish provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) at Tremains Primary School
- Proposal to establish provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) at Ysgol Cynwyd Sant
- Ageing Well in Bridgend Consultation
- Empty Homes and Second Homes Consultation
- Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
- Budget consultation 2022
- Special Guardianship Orders Financial Policy Consultation
- Active Travel Consultation
- Bridgend Town Centre Masterplan
- Bridgend West Primary Schools Consultation
- Shaping Bridgend’s Future Consultation 2021
- Bridgend Transitional Foster Carer Policy
- Porthcawl harbour byelaws
- Mynydd Cynffig Primary School
- Pencoed Level Crossing and Penprysg Road Bridge
- Learner travel review consultation
- Shaping Bridgend's Future 2019
- Replacement Local Development Plan strategy consultation
- Polling districts, places and stations review
- 2019 budget consultation
- Play area and grass cutting review and potential increased charges for the use of sports fields, and sports pavilions consultation 2019
- Homelessness Consultation 2019
- Proposal to consult on the Empty Property Strategy 2019 to 2023
- Supported bus consultation 2019 to 2020
- The potential re-organisation of post-16 provision
- Public Space Protection Order consultation
- Licensing policy consultation
- Consultation on penalties for environmental
- Learner Travel Consultation
We also hold details of consultations from 2014 and earlier. Please contact us on the below details for further information.
Consultation team
Bridgned County Borough Council
01656 643664
Text relay:
18001 01656 643664
Civic Offices,
Angel Street,
CF31 4WB.