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Bridgend County Borough Council is committed to listening and responding to residents’ views. We want to give opportunities for local people to contribute to decision making. 

We welcome responses in Welsh.  All consultations are available in Welsh via the Cymraeg button. Alternative formats are available upon request.

Current Consultations

Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance consultation

The adopted Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP, March 2024), has a key role in ensuring new housing development incorporates a mix of market and affordable housing, thereby contributing to the development of sustainable, cohesive communities.

Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) has been prepared for public consultation. The SPG is intended to support and provide further direction on implementation of the Affordable Housing policies contained within the adopted RLDP.

Closing date: 27 March 2025

Town and Community Councils - Electoral Arrangement review

Bridgend County Borough Council has undertaken an Electoral Arrangement review of all Town and Community Councils across Bridgend County Borough.

The review has considered the following:

  • The number of Town and Community Councils – including the option of mergers, alterations or creating new ones.
  • Electoral arrangements – including the number of councillors, the number of wards, the number of councillors elected in each ward and ward boundaries.
  • Names/titles of Town and Community Councils.

Closing date: 7 April 2025

Engagement and Participation Strategy

Our Participation and Engagement Strategy has been developed to outline the steps we will take as a council to keep people well-informed about our services.

With a wide selection of channels available to us, we want to ensure that we ofer the best opportunity to listen and respond to people’s views and engage with all members of our community around the services we deliver for the people of Bridgend County Borough.

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