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Scrutiny of religious education

The Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) is a legally required group that monitors religious education.

SACRE notification: Bridgend Agreed Syllabus Conference on Religion, Values and Ethics

Members have reviewed the agreed syllabus for Religious Education (RE) and the arrangements for the new ‘Religion Value and Ethics’ (RVE) will be implemented in September 2022 as part of the wider Curriculum for Wales.


For further guidance on the Bridgend County Borough Council agreed Syllabus and the RVE Curriculum, please contact the Clerk to the Standing Advisory Council (SAC):

The duties of a SACRE

In our county, a SACRE:

  • advises on worship and religious education in the agreed syllabus, with advice covering teaching methods, materials and teacher training provision
  • considers whether an ‘Agreed Syllabus Conference’ should review the local authority’s syllabus
  • considers requests for exemptions from Christian worship
  • annually reports to the local authority and the Department for Education on its activities

The make-up of a SACRE

Three groups form a SACRE:

  1. Christian and other religious denominations
  2. teachers’ associations
  3. the local authority

The Education Acts of 1944, 1993 and the Education Reform Act of 1988 determine a SACRE’s membership.

The latest SACRE report

Download Bridgend County Borough SACRE's 2022 to 2023 Annual Report (PDF, 250b)

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