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Welcome to Bridgend County Borough Council’s media centre. These pages feature latest news from the county borough, and you can also keep up to date by following us on social media.

Council sets its budget for 2024-25

Bridgend County Borough Council has agreed a new budget for 2024-25 amid what Leader Huw David has described as being ‘some of the biggest challenges that local government has ever faced’.

Tondu Primary School pupils hit the Welsh air waves at Cymru FM!

Recently, Year 2 and Year 5 pupils from Tondu Primary School showcased their Welsh language skills through collaboratively planning and creating their very own Welsh radio show, with the support of radio presenter, Marc Griffiths, from Cymru FM.

Cabinet endorses budget proposals for 2024-25

The Cabinet of Bridgend County Borough Council met earlier today (Tuesday 20 February) and endorsed the authority’s budget proposals for 2024-25 as part of its ongoing Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS).

Views wanted on future of Porthcawl town centre

A drop-in session and three-week public consultation is set to ask residents and businesses in Porthcawl for their views and thoughts on how the town centre can develop, thrive and enjoy a prosperous future.

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