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Social Responsibility

The council has a responsibility to its residents, suppliers and contractors to use it procurement processes to “meet the needs for goods services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole of life basis in terms of generating benefits, not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment”.

Using our Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy as a guide, we will aim to set a standard of good working policies for all our suppliers and contractors to follow.

By leading the way as a Real Living Wage paying employer, Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) has high hopes that our suppliers will follow our example and allow Bridgend to become a Real Living Wage paying town in the future.

Having committed to the Welsh Government’s Net Zero by 2030 pledge, we have set out own goals and plans in our Net Zero Strategy. With support from contractors and suppliers, we hope to significantly reduce the carbon footprint created by our Procurement processes with the aim of being bet zero by 2030.

The council is fully committed to providing visibility to its Modern Slavery Statement and ensuring transparency within our supply chains. The Council recognises it has a responsibility as an employer to be aware of the potential for instances of Modern Slavery and that these instances must be reported to the relevant authorities.

In recent years, BCBC has enjoyed great success with its Apprenticeship Scheme. Offering a wide range of apprenticeships throughout the authority, it gives individuals the opportunity to learn new skills whilst earning a wage. it also allows BCBC to ‘grow their own’ and to promote from within whilst offering employment opportunities to local residents.

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