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Submitted documents

One of the documents which the Council submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and Welsh Government as part of the LDP submission was incomplete.

Document SD67: Stormy Down Development Brief should have consisted of a committee report and the development brief which was attached to the report as an appendix. However, in error, only the committee report was submitted.

To rectify this situation, a new document, SD67A: Stormy Down Development Brief has been added to the submitted document list. SD67 has been renamed: Stormy Down Development Brief Covering Report.

The following is a list of documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and the Welsh Government for the Examination of Bridgend Council Borough Council's Local Development Plan.

Producing high quality sustainable places - regeneration led development distribution

Producing high quality sustainable places - transport planning

Protecting and enhancing the environment - unstable land

Protecting and enhancing the environment - energy generation, efficiency and conservation

To spread prosperity and opportunity through regeneration - employment and the economy

To spread prosperity and opportunity through regeneration - tourism

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